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The Poet and The Paupers

The adjourned meeting reconvened on September 11th and seems to have taken only two decisions: to appoint John Knight, John Weston and Richard Hide to the Committee, which, since only one of these was among the previously selected “reserves”, means that at least four of the men originally named had dropped out; and to ask Richard Holman to be the arbitrator and, if he accepted, to consult him forthwith. Evidently serious disputes had arisen already within the parish and James Hodson had either been unwilling to act or had proved unsuitable. And that was the end of the Equalizing The Rate Plan. If anything further was done, it was not recorded in the Vestry Minutes; and since the same proposals were to emerge four years later, it does seem that the scheme proved abortive, destroyed by rivalries within the parish and the incompetence of those deputed to put it into effect. It is also possible, though not probable, that the Vestry decided to take no further action because, as was sensed throughout the country, the Government was at last coming to the aid of parishes with a Bill that would fundamentally change the way in which the Poor Law was administered.

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